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Life Stories and Books

These are examples of the books I have helped my life story clients publish.


In September 2023, Richard "Dick" Hunt published "My Robust Life of Perseverance," chronicling his life in sports, including as an Olympic speed skater, a master skier, competitive cyclist, and more. Dick also flourished as an entrepreneur in organizing ski and cycling tours, home building and other pursuits.


In August 2017, Nancy Watts published "A Life Well Lived," describing her hardscrabble childhood during the Great Depression,  her marriages, her son, the many places she lived, with honesty, humor and emotion. 


In May 2017 Dr. Lee McMurrin published a third book, "The Precious Attributes of a Christian Woman,"  a tribute to his late wife Frances, and how her faith, intelligence and talents helped her navigate the challenges of life. Frances rose from her youth in a two-room shack in the South to become a world traveler.


Dr. McMurrin previously published a memoir, "Aren't We Rich!" a book about his personal life, and the rich experiences he has had throughout his 87+ years, even when growing up during the Great Depression.


Dr. McMurrin first published a memoir of his career as a school superintendent during the era of court-ordered integration titled "Stories from the Front Lines of Integration: Toledo, Ohio 1965-1975 and Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1975-1987."

Dr. Lee McMurrin signs books for students in a Central Oregon Community College class following a presentation and reading from "Stories from the Front Lines of Integration."

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